NBA Player Shooting Visualization (React JS)
A downloadable game
A school project when I was still in university.
This is a web app that visualizes NBA player’s shooting performance.
- Built a web app to visualize NBA player’s shot performance using React, the open source d3-shotchart package and front-end development tools (Babel, NPM, etc)
- Introduced a field goal percentage filter that controls the visualization to be the specified number of shots made
- Utilized react component library (Ant Design) to enhance component features
- Play with the NBA’s Stats API
Details of development
- Created a dashboard to visualize individual player’s shot data, including a shot chart and 4 line/bar charts.
- Implemented linked highlighting among all charts using raised common React state among charts.
- Created a field goal percentage filter to provide more detailed visualization areas with made shots.
- Developed a match filter to more specifically visualize stats for home, away, won and lost matches.
Tech details
- Designed a component hierarchy based on React framework, including a search bar and a dashboard to display individual player’s info and visualize his shot performance
- Used an open source NPM package to build the shot chart to visualize player’s shot performance in React
- Use React state to control the components. For example, use playerID to control which player’s info and shot performance to be displayed
- Introduced two filters to control the visualization.
Data Source
The NBA’s Stats API provides data for every single shot attempted during an NBA game since 1996, including location coordinates on the court.
Shot Chart
Shooting charts help you identify trends, strengths, weaknesses, and ultimately give you insights to improve your team's overall shooting percentage.
Project Setup
create-react-app nba-web
cd nba-web
npm install -S nba
npm install -S d3-shotchart
npm start
Main parts of application
Ant Design
npm install -S antd
Import css lib
npm install -S lodash
Steps of development
ShotChart Fix
Shift ShotChart Up
Wrap DataViewContainer
Add CountSlider(antd, local state? lift state? both?)
Make Slider Work
Add Debouce(lodash)
Add SearchBar
Get Player Data(nba.searchPlayers())
Make Seach Work
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