A downloadable game

Tips for rewarded video ads

Rewarded video ads let players in a gaming app choose to watch an ad in exchange

for an in-app incentive. If your app uses rewarded video ads, follow these guidelines,

which also enhance click quality and help you avoid policy violations.

Use straightforward calls to action

Clearly state what the player must do to get the reward,

and what the reward is. For example, your ad can prompt players to watch a video to double their points.

Make reward instructions clear

Clearly state when the player does and doesn’t receive the reward, and why. 

For example, include a message to players who don’t watch the entire video ad that they need to keep watching to receive the reward. 

Or include a congratulations message when they finish watching the video.

Communicate about video length

If the player has a limited amount of time to unlock the reward, be specific. For example, include a timer in your ad to show how much time is left in the video. Or specify the video length in your call to action.

Don’t show too many rewarded videos

Repeated opportunities to receive in-game items devalues those items.

 If you show too many rewarded video ads, players perceive them as easy and don’t engage.

Don’t show rewarded video ads too early

Make sure that people know how to use your app so that they know when they choose to watch an ad. 

Also, make it optional to view a rewarded video ad, not a requirement to progress in the game. 

For example, if players can start a new game for free, don’t make them watch a rewarded ad to begin.

Don’t follow rewarded videos with interstitial ads

Players expect to go back to the game after getting their reward, so don’t follow a rewarded video with an interstitial ad. 

Also, to prevent low-quality clicks, refrain from showing an interstitial ad after someone rejects watching a rewarded video ad. 

Place either an interstitial ad or a rewarded video ad when players advance to a new game level, but not both.

Tips for interstitial ads

Interstitial ads are full-screen ads that cover the whole app interface.

If your app uses interstitial ads, display them at natural transition points,

such as between activities or game levels. People can choose to engage with interstitial ads or close them.

When you show interstitial ads too frequently or at unexpected times, your click quality drops.

There are ways to improve the interstitial ads and click quality.

Show interstitial ads after content and engagement

To improve the timing of your interstitial ads, show them after a completed action. 

When you show interstitials after people engage with your app, you get better quality clicks. 

Also, to avoid low-quality clicks, refrain from showing interstitials directly after rewarded video ads.

Keep ad frequency low

Showing ads too often leads to low-quality clicks and a poor user experience. 

So show an ad after the player selects a new game, not before they reach the main menu or between each level or restart. 

When there’s no player activity, don’t show more than two consecutive interstitial ads.

Wait until the app loads

Wait until the app loads and the player shows activity before you show an interstitial ad. 

Similarly, to avoid low-quality clicks, refrain from showing ads when someone leaves or minimizes the app.

Avoid delayed delivery and lag

Don’t let the player engage in app content if the ad causes delays or lags. 

Allocate blank space for the ad, or display a non-skippable screen to tell people that they’re about to see an ad. 

Consider pre-fetching the ad so that it’s ready to display without lag. Delayed delivery and lag lead to accidental clicks.

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